Thursday, April 14, 2011

Courting Miss Amsel

Edythe Amsel arrives in Walnut Hill, Nebraska, after receiving her first teaching offer. Leaving behind a troubled past, Edythe is determined to focus on her students and move on. However, some of Miss Amsel's teaching methods and beliefs, especially those on the sufferage movement, do not sit well with many of the members of the community. And there is the issue of the feelings developing towards the guardian of two students. Despite her determination to focus on her teaching, Edythe finds her heart pulling her in another direction.

This story was your typical historic romance. I enjoyed the detail paid to the women's sufferage movement and to the then unique teaching methods used by the main character. That being said, I found the book to be quite predictable. If you are looking for a warm your heart romance, without many twists and turns, this is your book. However, if you are looking for something deeper, keep looking. All in all, an alright read, but nothing spectacular.

To comply with new regulations introduced by the Federal Trade Commission, I am required to mention that Bethany House Publishers provided me with a complimentary copy of this book for review purposes. This in no way influenced my review.

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